Our Mission

Our mission is to arm our patients with the knowledge of how to live a life free of unnecessary disability or pain. We will be your guide helping you along the way to achieving your best self, whether you are putting in the work on the field or on the job.

Too Many People Are Struggling With Nagging Injuries.

So many people live in pain that they believe they just need to live with. Too often people seek help and understanding about their pain with unsatisfactory results. But here at The Forge, we do our best to listen to you. We will do everything we can to get you living your best life, pain free. 

How We Can Help

Dr. Stoffel will be your guide through pain and injury. Treatments, whether they be surgeries, medications, or something else entirely, all have their place, however this treat and discharge approach often leaves people confused on what is going on and what the next steps are for them. Here at The Forge Chiropractic, we do not wish to be just another doctor people feel they have to see, but instead a guide, YOUR guide, throughout your recovery journey. Let us help you discover the tools you need to rebuild your health and get back to living!

Learn More Our Reviews

Don't let the fear of pain stop you from doing what you love.

Come in to learn about your pain and what you can do to get back to living your life
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Ready to Reforge yourself?
Call us to book your New Patient Exam

Not quite sure? ---Click the image to book a FREE Discovery Visit--- In this 30 minute appointment, Dr. Stoffel will sit down and talk with you about your areas of complaint. During this time, he will help you determine if his care will be the best fit for you, give you an outline of what your care would look like and what an approximate cost of care might be. This is a great way to get any pressing questions answered and to find out how we can help you reforge yourself.

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