Our Approach to Patient Care


Here at The Forge, we like to take our time to get to know our prospective patients. For each of our potential new patients we take the following steps:

  • Discovery Call - During this call, you will have uninterrupted time to talk with us about who we are, what we do, and how we can help you. At the end of your call, we will set up your free Discovery Visit.
  • Discovery Visit - This is a free 30 minute consultation where you will physically come into our office and we will get to know what is going on in a bit more detail. Part of this process is a comprehensive movement assessment to help give us a better idea of what you are dealing with. You will also have the opportunity to ask any new questions that you may have, get to see some of the services we have to offer, and schedule your new patient exam.
  • New Patient Exam - During this 1 hour session, we take the time to dive deeper based on what we saw during the discovery visit. This gives us the opportunity to figure out the best approach for your care. Based on what we find, we will administer the appropriate treatments and see how you and your body respond. At the conclusion of this session, you and the doctor will discuss your customized plan of care and what the next steps will look like moving forward.
  • Customized Plan of Care - Here at The Forge, we believe that no two patients are exactly alike. The prescribed plan of care will be specifically tailored to what you need. Through this plan of care, you will work through our 3 step process of modifying symptoms, building a base, and integrating back into your everyday life.